Arabic Language

اللغة العربية

Questions on the Arabic language and grammar (pertaining to other than Q & A sections 1-3), answered by the Shaykh.

Arabic Language Q & As 1-50, in one PDF with navigational bookmarks and grammar index:

Arabic Language Q and As 1-50

Q92 Broken Plurals – Decisive rule

Q91 Meaning of Mudaari’ Mabniyy lil-Majhuul

Q90 Classical Arabic, MSA and Aamiyyah

Q89 Root of Word Lughatun

Q88 Difference In Using Inda and Laam for Family Members

Q87 Ism tafDiil of Baab Faa’ala

Q86 Laa al-Naafiyah lil-jins

Q85 No I’raab outside a sentence

Q84 Does MaSdar Have Plural

Q83 Can I Study Jaahiliyy Poetry to Understand Qur’aan

Q82 Iltiqaa al-saakinayn with ism manquus

Q81 Ism ishaarah and badal

Q80 Number rule

Q79 Kalaam, Istii”aab

Q78 Muujab

Q77 Shibh jumlah

Q76 Li-anna, Fa-inna

Q75 Alif on Mansuub nouns

Q74 Yaa fadiilat al-Shaykh

Q73 Raghima anfu-hu

Q72 Neither… Nor

Q71 Wa Dabtu dhaalika

Q70 Arba”uuna Hadiithan

Q69 Kitaab al-Mu’allim

Q68 When Iltiqaa al-saakinayn is tolerated

Q67 Halumma jarran

Q66 Salaat, Silat

Q65 Dual of Maqsuur

Q64 Maa’u Zamzam

Q63 Aysh is colloquial

Q62 Yaf”uul wazn

Q61 Sayyid

Q60 Munaadaa shabiih bi l-muDaaf

Q59 Numbers as na”t

Q58 Maqsuur with rules

Q57 Manquus, mudaaf of yaa al-mutakallim

Q56 Laa al-naahiyah with first person

Q55 Shibh jumlah as khabar

Q54 Maadhaa

Q53 Maf”ul bihii of masdar

Q52 Lawlaa

Q51 Recommended Dictionaries

Q50 Spelling Rule of Hay’ah

Q49 Dotted Yaa and Dotless Yaa

Q48 Word Badal-an

Q47 Mawlaanaa, Hadrat

Q46 Arabic Dates

Q45 Dhahaaban wa iyaaban, ghayr, mithl

Q44 Determining Gender of Number

Q43 Kaaf al-khitaab, Harf al-tanbiih

Q42 Badal

Q41 Sentence does not commence with Harf jarr

Q40 Na”t of omitted Maf”uul Mutlaq

Q39 Place of Birth

Q38 Taa al-ta’niith, Nuun al-niswah

Q37 How to Teach Vocabulary

Q36 Hattaa

Q35 Allaahu ‘Akbar

Q34 Incorrect usage in Indian Subcontinent

Q33 Non-agreement of Mubtada and Khabar

Q32 Determining Gender of Number

Q31 Hamzat al-Istifhaam before Al

Q30 Eqyptian Dialect

Q29 Bi l-Madiinah, Fii l-Madiinah

Q28 Al-”Azamah

Q27 Qaamuus, Mu”jam

Q26 Definite article in names

Q25 Juddah

Q24 Omitting one of the taas

Q23 Aasha

Q22 Aasha, Sakana

Q21 Dual of Maqsuur nouns with Sarf

Q20 Damiir al-Fasl, Badal

Q19 Yaa Abati

Q18 Yaa Bunayya

Q17 Iidaahaat Nahwiyyah

Q16 Tasghiir of Ibn

Q15 Ism Ishaarah

Q14 Allaahumma

Q13 Basic Difference between Ismiyyah and Fi”liyyah

Q12 Nakirah and Ma”rifah

Q11 Usabbihu Llaaha

Q10 How to Write Non-Arabic Words

Q9 Al-Alfiyyah

Q8 Abun and Waalidun

Q7 Hamzatu l-wasl

Q6 Ahlan wa Sahlan wa Marhaban

Q5 Omission of the Aa”id

Q4 Rules of Writing Hamzah

Q3 Omission of the Aa”id

Q2 SubhaanAllaah

Q1 Error of Assigning One I”raab to Combination of Two Words