Madinah Bk 3 – Videos, Audios, Drills, Qur’aan Workbook

All PDFs have exhaustive digital indexes

New Animated Videos, Audios:


20 picture-nouns in Madinah Book 3 (audio-video):


Revise the 20 nouns:


Listen to the 20 nouns

30 picture-words in Madinah Book 3 (audio-video):


Revise the 30 nouns:


Listen to the 30 nouns

Lesson 11 supplement: 35 Qur’aanic examples of Ma’rifah Khabar

Lesson 21 supplement: 35 Qur’aanic Examples of اسم لا النافية للجنس.

New resources:

1) Grammar Drills (with Audios)

2) I’raab Drills (with Audios)

Advanced Sentence I’raab:

I’raab of aayah 161 Al-Baqarah, presented step-by-step with Qur’aan audio:


I’raab of aayah 11 Al-Buruuj, presented step-by-step with Qur’aan audio:


The General Exercise (Exam) at End of Madinah Book 3:

AL-AJWIBAH“ani l-‘asilati l-“aammati:
The answers to the ‘General Questions Covering the Whole Book’ that appear at the end of Madinah Book 3.

Buy from U.K. or India.

Qur’aan Workbook for Graduates of the 3 Madinah Books

Qur’aan workbook of 30 challenging questions for those who have completed the 3 Madinah Books and Al-Ajwibah. Exposure to diverse Qur’aanic aayaat.

Workbook with answers


After the Madinah Books, we invite you to the Shaykh’s:
Complete Mastering Arabic program for Non-Natives