أصحاب الأخدود – Qur’aan Story (+ Audio, Video, Book download, Photos)

Some vocabulary in the story explained using pictures:

قصة أصحاب الأخدود

Some photos of the remnants of the ancient town of أصحاب الأخدود located in Najraan on the outskirts of Saudi Arabia.

تصوير الأستاذ خالد ابن يحي لال



The Hadiith containing the entire story, with lexical and grammatical notes by the Shaykh:

الحديث – الغلام والملك والساحر

Taken from the Shaykh’s نصوص من الحديث النبوي الشريف.

Download the book here.

Addition:The following audio narrates the Hadiith as a story.

Listening to, or reading the same story again but with slight variation in the sentences, vocabulary and grammar, is an effective way of improving grammar, language and vocabulary إن شاء الله.

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