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The books and courses authored by the Shaykh:
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3 Madinah Books – New colour print
3 Madinah Books (Black and white) :
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Buy Al-Mus”if
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From Esfahan to Madinah: Buy here or here
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Moved to Advanced Library as a Free download.
Moved to Advanced Library as a Free download.
Arba”uuna Hadiithan: 40 sacred Ahaadiith of heart-softening content, gathered and explained by the Shaykh in one volume.
Arba’uuna Hadiithan : Buy from U.S.A. (view extracts at USA link), or U.K. here or here.
مناهج معهد تعليم اللغة العربية والعلوم الشرعية
Madinah Islaamic University’s:
Arabic Language & Islaamic Studies Syllabus.
Madinah Islaamic University Syllabus BUY NOW
Download books from the syllabus here.
NuSuuS Islaamiyyah: A collection of classical texts ranging from khutbahs and biographies of the SaHaabah رضي الله عنهم, Hadiiths from Musnad Imaam Ahmad رحمه الله, extracts from scholarly works such asالبداية والنهاية by Ibn Kathiir رحمه الله, and other historical stories.
Copious lexical and grammatical notes; Exercises; * Harakaatu l-i”raab placed on all the words, large Arabic font and spacious lay-out. (Revisied edition published 2013 CE, 234 pages.)
NuSuuS Islaamiyyah: Buy from the U.K. or India.
Europe Speaks Arabic is a fascinating and humurous dialogue that discusses the etymology of every-day words in languages like English, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish and more. It proves that words embedded in these languages are originally Arabic. Copious facts and evidences, in a non-technical style show the huge contribution of Arabic in developing world languages. . A journalist described the book as: ‘leaves the reader awe-struck’.
Europe Speaks Arabic: Buy from U.K., (discount at U.K. store), India or Canada
AL-AJWIBAH“ani l-‘asilati l-“aammati:This book contains the solutions to the ‘General Questions Covering the Whole Book’ that appear at the end of Madinah Book 3.
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Buy Al-Ajwibah from U.K. or India.