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New Children’s Book by our Shaykh:
3 New Book Downloads (3rd with audios):
Advanced Library
Hadiith Studies
View our Shaykh Dr. V. Abdur Rahim (رحمه الله)’s scholarly profile, over 50 years experience of teaching Arabic to non-natives around the globe, 30 years as Professor of Arabic and then Director, at the Islaamic University Madinah, an expert in the etymology of foreign languages, recipient of national awards for outstanding Arabic scholar, and served as the Director of the ‘Translation Centre at the King Fahd Glorious Qur’aan Printing Complex’. Watch educational interviews of the Shaykh in his home, on T.V., and at Arabic learning centres, in the lounge.

Adopt the teaching methods of Madinah Islaamic University with teachers’ resources, lessons, practicals and worksheets for teaching Qur’aanic Arabic:Teachers’ Library.
Start your journey to mastering Arabic with the Shaykh’s Arabic language courses, media resources, animated videos, colour worksheets, workbooks, audios, puzzles, picture vocabulary, Qur’aanic vocabulary, , on-line tests and Qur’aan for beginners.

Proceed to advanced studies of the Qur’aan, Haadiith and selected texts with the Shaykh’s post-graduate program of Qur’aanic Arabic courses, Hadiith studies, audios, an Arabic & Islaamic studies syllabus, , workbooks, on-line tests, easy tafsiir, and an Arabic forum.

Kids! Race to your own library and book fair and start learning the language of the Qur’aan in a fun-filled learning atmosphere. Learn through our animated videos, audio stories, puzzles, educational art, picture-vocabulary, Qur’aanic vocabulary, colour worksheets, workbooks, on-line tests and test-puzzles.

Book Fair offers you hard copies of the courses in our libraries, new Arabic books, courses, and extracts to use.

5 on-line study programs to supplement your studies in our main program, personally taught by the Shaykh:
1. Qur’aan 2. Hadiith 3. Poetry 4. Grammar
5. Language.
A wealth of answers to questions which students and teachers have asked the Shaykh on the Arabic sciences: noble Qur’aan, Hadiith, couplets, Arabic language . Some questions have been answered by Admin. To ask a question, visit Forum 2.
We invite every Muslim to learn Qur’aanic Arabic. Allaah made it obligatory to understand the Qur’aan. This is not possible without knowing Arabic. Translations are not the Words of Allaah. Translations are primarily meant to convey the message of the Qur’aan to non-Muslims. Once we become Muslims, it becomes obligatory to understand the Qur’aan in Arabic and act on it.
Is Arabic Easy – Can You Assure Me