مكتبة المتقدمين
Mastering Arabic program for Non-Natives
The Shaykh’s post-Madinah books program contains a rich diversity of Islaamic texts to help non-natives master the Arabic sciences. It is geared for the graduates of the 3 Madinah Books or for anyone who has attained knowledge of Arabic equivalent to the 3 Madinah Books. The chosen Qur’aanic suurahs, Hadiiths, scholarly works and historical texts focus on primary aspects of the Diin and character-building injunctions. The Shaykh’s method of using Qur’aan and Hadiith texts to teach Arabic has the additional benefit of nurturing the Islaamic character along the way.
Mastering Arabic Program for Non-Natives
A series of eight grammar lectures by the Shaykh to help understand finer aspects of Qur’aanic Arabic. Includes a discussion and explanation of حُورٌ عِينٌ. View all here.
Some lecture notes transcribed:
Letters of the Alphabet and Particles
Types of Laam – Advanced Lecture
: دراسة القرآن الكريم
إقسامُ الأيمانِ في أقسامِ القرآنِ
400 noble āyāt are masterfully quoted, arranged and discussed in this breath-taking publication which gathers and expounds every āyah in the Glorious Qurʾān that contains a Qasam and Jawāb al-Qasam.
* New, advanced, grammar and language notes provided from classical Arabic references on iʿrāb, lughah, tafṣir, maʿānii al-Qurʾān, also from Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhāriyy and Musnad Imām Aḥmad.
* The āyāt are arranged and discussed according to the style and eloquence of the Qasam and Jawāb al-Qasam, according to the sūrahs they occur in; according to identical grammar and lexical patterns, according to common omissions in the Qurʾānic constructions, according to the tools of Qasam, instruments of Jawāb al-Qasam , verbs and nouns that signify Qasam and Jawāb al-Qasam.
PDF with exhaustive navigational index:
Iqsaam al-Aymaan fii Aqsaam al-Qur’aan
Three Stories From Our Glorious Past
Three inspiring stories from the biographies of the scholars. Each story contains lessons and morals.
* Detailed lexical and grammatical notes
* Additional notes
* Exercises
Three Stories from our Glorious Past
PDF with navigational grammar index:
Suurah al-Aadiyaat – With Lexical and Grammatical Notes
At the Well of Madyan
سورة القصص
Aayat 23-43 With Lexical and Grammatical Notes.
* Detailed lexical and grammatical notes;
* New lexical fineties;
* Diverse exercises;
* ‘Alaamaatu l-i’raab placed on all the words.
PDF with exhaustive navigational index:
At the Well of Madyan – With Lexical & Grammatical Notes
Suurat al-Israa’ : selection focuses on Islaamic obligations towards Allaah, parents, relatives, orphans and the poor. The aayaat enjoin chastity, humility, honesty, purity of worship and the rights of the Creator and creation.
* Extensive lexical and grammatical notes;
* Commentary from tafsiir;
* Additional notes;
* Diverse exercises;
* ‘Alaamaatu l-i’raab placed on all the words.
PDF with exhaustive navigational index:
Suurat al-Israa – With Lexical & Grammatical Notes
Suurat-al-Israa – Solutions to Exercises
Suurah al-Israa Workbook
Suurat al-Nuur: selection focuses on Allaah’s Divinity, helps believers to increase iimaan and strikes parables of unbelief that generate reflection and thought.
* Extensive lexical & grammatical notes;
* Tafsiir notes with the Shaykh’s commentaries;
* Additional notes;
* Diverse exercises;
* ‘Alaamaatu l-i’raab placed on all the words;
* Detailed index in alphabetical listing.
PDF with exhaustive navigational index:
Suurat al-Nuur – With Lexical & Grammatical Notes
Nuur “alaa Nuur: Buy from U.K. or India.
Suurat al-Hujuraat: focuses on obligations, building iimaan and a noble character.
PDFs with exhaustive navigational indexes:
Suurat al-Hujuraat – With Lexical & Grammatical Notes
Al-Hujuraat – Transcription of DVDs
Two Meanings of Naaqis in Sarf and Nahw
Suurah al-Hujuraat: New Qur’aan Workbook.
تلاوة سورة الحجرات بصوت الشيخ أبي بكر الشاطري :
Suurah al-Hujuraat – Simplified Tafsiir (all aayaat bookmarked):
Suurah al-Hujuraat – Simplified Tafsiir
Suurat al-Hujuraat: Download DVDs. Buy the book.
‘Selections from the Glorious Qur’aan’ : course has extensive coverage of the Arabic sciences due to aayaat selected from different suurahs. In-depth study of the grammar, language and style of the Qur’aan.
DVD extract topics:
1. Shaykh’s Foreword and Teaching Notes
2. Types of Al
3. I’raab of Aayat al-Kursiyy
4. Al-Qasam and Jawaab al-Qasam (detailed grammar)
5. How to identify baabs of Saalim and non-Saalim verbs (detailed Sarf):
Selections from the Glorious Qur’an – DVD Extracts
5 Main Punctuation Marks in Qur’aan
Qur’aan workbooks for the ‘Selections’ course:
A) Suurah al-Faatihah Workbook with answers
تلاوة سورة الفاتحة بصوت الشيخ أبي بكر الشاطري – حفظه الله
B) Suurah al-Baqarah Workbook with answers
C) Suurah al-Ruum Workbook with answers
D) Suurah ‘Abasa Workbook with answers
تلاوة سورة عبس بصوت الشيخ أبي بكر الشاطري – حفظه الله
Al-Tafsiir: Suurah al-Faatihah (large font, simple Arabic):
al-Tafsiir al-Muyassar – سورة الفاتحة
التفسير الميسر Simple tafsiir of all the Qur’aanic suurahs on the ‘Selections’ course:
al-Tafsiir al-Muyassar – suurahs on Selections course
Selections from the Glorious Qur’aan: Download the book and DVDs or buy from U.K. or India.
Excel in understanding the Qur’aan and build iimaan from the lessons learnt from the heart-felt story of Prophet Yuusuf (“alayhissalaam) described by the Qur’aan as aHsan al-qaSaS.
* Wealth of lexical & grammatical notes;
* Wealth of classical Arabic vocabulary;
* Quotes from Ibn Maalik’s Al-Alfiyyah with explanations;
* Ample exercises;
* Detailed index;
* ‘Alaamaatu l-i’raab placed on all the words;
Al-Mus’if – Complete Method on How To Study
PDF with exhaustive navigational index:
Al-Mus’if – suurah Yuusuf with Lexical & Grammatical Notes
Al-Mus’if, Suurah Yuusuf – Exercise Workbook
Al-Mus’if, Suurah Yuusuf – Answers to Exercises
Simplifed tafsiir of سورة يوسف (all aayaat bookmarked):
Suurah Yuusuf – Simplified Tafsiir
Suurah Yuusuf course : Buy from the U.K. or India.
PDF with exhaustive navigational contents index:
Iththaaqaltum – Qur’aanic Sarf and Phonetics
ِِ: في مجسل رستمَ
Page 1 of: في مجلس رستم
Material Related:
Kitaab al-Mu’allim : Guide Books for Teachers / Advanced Grammar Notes for Students
Teachers: Proceed to the Teachers’ Library
Graduates of the 3 Madinah Books / Advanced Students: These books contain new, advanced lexical and grammatical notes and cover all the topics learnt in the 3 Madinah Books. .
Kitaab al Mu’allim – Extracts of Grammatical Notes