Author Archives: Dr. Vaniya

Language Lesson 5 : خُـيـِّــلَ إليه

Language Lesson 5

Posted in اللغة العربية | Tagged | 4 Comments

Language Lesson 4 : رجب

Lesson 4 The Word Rajab

Posted in اللغة العربية | Tagged | 1 Comment

Grammar Lesson 4: المطابقة بين المبتدأ والخبر

Grammar Lesson 4

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Hadiith Lesson 9: لأن يهدي الله بك

Hadiith Lesson 9

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Hadiith Lesson 8 : لأن يحتزم أحدكم

Hadiith Lesson 8

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أحاديث سهلة : Lesson 1 with worksheet

New: aHaadiith Sahlah workbook in Workbooks.

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Hadiith Lesson 7: التمارين

Hadiith Lesson 7 TEST and ACTIVITY with ANSWERS

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Hadiith Lesson 7: إن الله جميل

Hadiith Lesson 7

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Qur’aan Lesson 3: التمارين

Qur’aan Lesson 3 – Worksheet & Answers

Posted in القرآن الكريم | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Hadiith Lesson 4 : التمارين

Hadiith Lesson 4 TEST and ANSWERS

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Hadiith Lesson 6: التمارين

Hadiith Lesson 6 – Test & Answers

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Hadiith Lesson 6: وادٍ مِن ذهب

Hadiith Lesson 6

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Hadiith Lesson 5: التمارين

Hadiith Lesson 5-TEST and ANSWERS

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Hadiith Lesson 5: حُبّ الحياة

Hadiith Lesson 5

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Hadiith Lesson 4: مثل المؤمنين

Hadiith Lesson 4

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Qur’aan Lesson 5: يا نارُ

Qur’aan Lesson 5

Posted in القرآن الكريم | Tagged | 4 Comments

Grammar Lesson 3: النعت المقطوع

Grammar Lesson-3 al-na’t al-maqTuu

Posted in Grammar | Tagged | 13 Comments

Language Lesson 3: The Pattern فَــعَّــال

Language Lesson 3

Posted in اللغة العربية | Tagged | 1 Comment

Hadiith Lesson 3 : رويدا

Hadiith Lesson 3

Posted in Hadiith | Tagged | 4 Comments

Language Lesson 2: أهلا وسهلا ومرحبا

Language Lesson 2

Posted in اللغة العربية | Tagged | 6 Comments