Grammar Lesson 3: النعت المقطوع

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13 Responses to Grammar Lesson 3: النعت المقطوع

  1. Fulaanah says:

    Assalaamu ‘alaykum

    Once again very interesting. This kind of great posts is the reason I keep checking the website for new lessons all the time. Love it!

  2. Student4Life says:

    Assalaamu ‘Alaykum Dear Shaykh,
    This was an amazing lesson. Learning new things all the time. Please keep them coming.
    May Allah reward you greatly.

  3. Abdlquadri says:

    Asalam alykum,

    I found this resource http: //www .

    I think shaykh quoted from it in this lesson.

    Please correct me if I am wrong. Very useful lessons. Let them keep raining


    • dr.vaniya says:

      From Admin.
      وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

      Brother, the Shaykh has not quoted from that site in his lesson, but from the original text of al-Alfiyyah. It is a source of all grammar and available to everyone.

      The site you refer to, contains a reading of al-Alfiyyah. One cannot produce a lesson from a reading.

      For copious quotes from al-Alfiyyah with explanatory notes, pls see our Shaykh’s:

      المسعِفُ في لغةِ وإعرابِ سورةِ يوسفَ

      • Abdlquadri says:

        I am very sorry if I was not clear enough. I didn’t mean the shaykh quoted from the site (SubhanAllah). When I read the lesson I started searching if I could find anything on it. So I found the site and thought to share it.


        Jazaka Allahu khairan

      • Mohsin says:

        Assalaam Alaikum

        Where can we purchase this book in the US? Is there an online version available.

        المسعِفُ في لغةِ وإعرابِ سورةِ يوسفَ

        Jazakallah Khairan

  4. Ibnu Imran says:

    Jazaakumullahu khairan. May Allah preserve the shaykh.

  5. Read says:

    Can I kindly encourage you to offer the “Email Subscription” feature so that when new posts are published, they are sent to our inbox at once.

    Thank you.

  6. Kabir Ahmad Ashrafi says:

    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

    I read the lessons about “Hadith Lessons”, “Arabic Grammar” and “Arabic Peotry” etc. there lessons are very good and useful to learn Arabic easily. I want you to keep publishing continue of these lessons on internet.

  7. Maryam says:

    Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaaatuh yaa faDiilata s-Shaykh, HafiZakumullaah

    Jazaakumullaahu khair dear Shaykh for a fascinating lesson. How a sentence can change its meaning and/or emphasis with such a tiny change such as that of the case ending of the na’t, is really amazing. And such precision…

    Alhamdulillaah, as always, you explained the lesson in ways that were very easy to understand and enjoy. I also found the explanations using the ‘bubbles’ very helpful in visualising the assumption of the mubtada or fi’l, and also the example of Suurah Masad. I mustn’t forget the final summary, which summed everything up nicely and is particularly handy for revision.

    Wasalaamu alaykum faDiilata s-Shaykh

  8. abdurRahman ahmed says:

    If not for the concept of Naat al Maqtoo one could easily find fault in the sentences qouted as examples in the lesson and would be at a loss to analyse surah Al Masad
    Masha Allah an excellent lesson
    JazakAllahu Khairan

  9. bin mohammed says:

    Subhanalllah !!!
    I love Sheikh faa abdur Raheeem..
    May Allah protect him..

    I admire the way shiekh explains the concepts..

  10. Amin says:

    Arabic is mostly written without any Harkaat and I3rab. So:

    اطعم هذا الولد المسكين

    Would be read as – Feed this poor boy.

    Miskeen would become direct adjective for Walad.

    So here – there is no way to tell if Miskeen is separated adjective. Or is there?


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