Hadiith Lesson 3 : رويدا

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4 Responses to Hadiith Lesson 3 : رويدا

  1. أم مجاهد says:

    فضيلة الشيخ
    السلام عليكم

    The chosen Hadiith is delightful and so relevant for our time. Regarding the grammar, then I was pleasantly surprised to learn of yet another grammatical situation where a مبتدأ that is نكرة, can start a جملة. I also found the lexical note on what the pattern: فعّال denotes, to be very interesting lexical insight.

    This حديث lesson is a comfort and satisfaction for every Sister, daughter and wife, and a heedful reminder for every Brother, father, and husband.

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  2. Maryam says:

    Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh yaa faDiilatas Shaykh, HafiZakumullaah

    Everything I wanted to say about this lesson has already been said by Umm Mujaahid above! So along with all the above, I will just add my heartfelt thanks to you for this beautiful hadeeth and all your simple, clear and thought provoking explanations.

    Jazaakumullaahu khair dear Shaykh. May Allaah grant you Jannat ul Firdaws.

  3. Shahneen says:

    Assalamu ‘Alaykum Dr. Abdur Rahim,

    Jazaak ALLAHU Khairan for explaining this hadith to us, with its grammatical significance and tafsir. I feel the same way as Sisters Umm Mujahid and Maryam. ALHAMDULILLAH!

    I have a question: Which verb does Ruwaydan deputize?

    Jazaak ALLAHU Khairan.



    • Shahneen says:

      Assalamu ‘Alaykum Dr. Abdur Rahim,

      Jazaak ALLAHU Khairan for answering my question and providing us all with the insight. ALHAMDULILLAH I have understood your explanation, and am thankful that you explained the details with regards to the verb and masdar’s usage as well.

      I also thank the administrator for moderating the question, and for the kind duaa.



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