New Content :
- Qur’aan Lesson 9: An Ayah to Ponder
- يوم الوشاح : Hadiith Lesson 15 (with Audio from Shaykh)
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- 10 Most Repeated Verbs in the Qur’aan – Part 1 (Video)
- سورة البقرة Demonstrating Word Repetition in Verses 1-8 (Video)
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Lesson Archives:
Assalaamu Alaykum
JazakAllah for the enlightening lesson. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Many new things to be learnt. May Allah reward you greatly.
A question: What is the benefit of the Aaid being omitted?
P.S. Would it be possible to get an answer for my previous question in the Q&A section whenever possible??
JazakAllah for all your effort to help us.
Assalaamu Alaykum Dear Shaykh,
JazakAllah for your clarification. May Allah reward you greatly.
I always look forward to your next lesson or answer due to the simple yet detailed explanations that you provide.
I pray that Allah allows us to continue benefiting from your lessons.
Assalamu alaikum,
what is the meaning of eedahaatun nahwiyatun what is the root?
Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu yaa faDiilata s-Shaykh, HafiZakumullaah
Jazaakumullaahu khair for another interesting lesson, where I learnt a number of new things -the laam l-muzaHlaqa being attached to a dameeru l-fasl, the forcefulness of ashaddu with a noun (as in ashaddu qaswa) and how yatashaqqaqu becomes yashshaqqaqu in such a logical way.
I was very happy to find some good revision of a number of things in the lesson too – tamyeez, the Hijaazi maa, the normal place of the displaced laam and the addition of ‘an’ to maa al mawsuula. Alhamdulillaah, I am remembering more easily the grammar I learnt in book 3, through applying it in the format of your new, fresh lessons.
Wasalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh faDiilata s-Shaykh.
This lesson has real food for thought!!!!
How hard is hearts? Is it rock hard????
May Allah grant us heart full of fear and awe of HIM.
Jazakallau Khairan for the beautiful explanation and the beauty with which it is presented.
JKhair. Very helpful. Questions:
وان من الحجارة لما يتفجر منه الأنهار
What is the Khabar of ان?