Hadiith Studies

دراسة الأحاديث:

NEW DOWNLOAD with Audios:

* 20 very short, easy Hadiiths.
* Help cultivate daily Islaamic manners.
* Suitable for children and beginners.

Audio-video of the first 15 Hadiiths


Listen to all 20 Hadiiths here


NEW DOWNLOAD with Audios:

نصوصٌ مِن الحديث النبوي الشريف:

Collection and explanation of 20 Hadiiths to teach the Arabic sciences and build the Islaamic character. Hadiiths range from short, medium, to full stories. With:
* Detailed lexical and grammatical notes
* Exercises
* Large Arabic font
* Harakaat al-I’raab placed on all the words.
* PDF has digital navigation index.

Listen to the Hadiiths:

1) الحمدُ للهِ الذي أنقذه بي مِن النارِ Hadiith 1

2) حلّ وسطٌ Hadiith 2

3) ابنُ مَنْ هذا؟ Hadiith 3

4) أعطِ كل ذي حقٍ حقَّه Hadiith 4

5) مرضتُ فلمْ تعدْني Hadiith 5

6)مَنْ يحول بين العبدِ والتوبةِ؟ Hadiith 6

7) في كلِّ كبدٍ رطبةٍ أجرٌ Hadiith 7 (now a story in an audio-video)

8) جزاء المرائين Hadiith 8

9) والذي نفسي بيده Hadiith 9

10) لئن صدق ليدخلن الجنة Hadiith 10

11) كان – صلى الله عليه وسلم – أحسن الناس خلقاً Hadiith 11

12) فرحة الله بتوبة العبد Hadiith 12

NEW DOWNLOAD with Audio:

From Esfahan to Madinah In Search of Truth is the arduous journey in search of truth by Salmaan al-Faarisi (رضي الله عنه).

* Detailed lexical and grammatical notes
* Exercises
* Audio narrating the Hadiith slowly, clearly with all i’raab
* PDF has digital navigation of all content

AUDIO – حديث سلمان الفارسي From Esfahan to Madinah

Umm Salamah (radiyAllaahu “anhaa)’s Hadiith narrates the story of the emigration of the Muslims from Makkah to Abyssinia to escape persecution.

* Detailed lexical and grammatical notes;
* Additional notes;
* Audio narrating the Hadiith slowly, clearly with all i’raab
* Exercises;
* ‘Alaamaatu l-i’raab placed on all the words.

AUDIO – Both These Lights إنهما من مشكاة واحدة

‘Both These Lights…’ : Buy from the U.K. or India.

Fii Balaat Hiraql is the dialogue that took place between Abu Sufyaan radiyAllaahu “anhu and Heraclius, king of Byzantine.

* Detailed lexical and grammatical notes
* Points of benefit taken from Imaam an-Nawawiyy’s works;
* Audio narrating the Hadiith slowly, clearly with all i’raab;
* Diverse exercises;
* ‘Alaamaatu l-i’raab placed on all the words.

(قراءة أبي أحمد الشيظمي)
في بلاط هرقل حديث أبي سفيان

‘Fii BalaaT Hiraql’ : Buy from the U.K. or India.


‘Abshir Bi-Khayri Yawmin is the heart-rending story of the repentance of Ka”ab ibn Maalik radiya Allaahu “anhu who remained behind from the Battle of Tabuuk in 9 AH.

* Detailed lexical and grammatical notes;
* Extensive points of benefit taken Imaams Ibn Hajr al-“Asqalaaniyy and Imaam an-Nawawiyy; rahimahuma Allaahu
* Audio narrating the story clearly, with all i’raab;
* Diverse exercises;
* Exhaustive index;
* ‘Alaamaatu l-i’raab placed on all the words.
* PDF has digital navigation index.

AUDIO – أبشرْ بخير يوم

Abshir bi Khayri Yawmin : Buy from the U.K. or India.