أحاديث سهلة : Lesson 1 with worksheet

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2 Responses to أحاديث سهلة : Lesson 1 with worksheet

  1. Umm Mujaahid says:

    فضيلة الشيخ
    السلام عليكم ورحمة اللهِ وبركاته

    أحاديث سهلة
    is a unique collection of Prophetic narrations for beginners in Arabic with the best of the simplest narrations, selected. In a few prophetic words, fundamental principles and Islaamic manners are taught while studying the language and grammar.

    An excellent book. Moreover, an excellent methodology employed to teach the language of the Qur’aan and also develop our Islaamic knowledge and characters.

    May Allaah include you amongst those about whom the Hadiith (in the book) says:

    خَـــيْـــــــــرُكم مَنْ تـَـعَــلَّمَ الـــقُرْآنَ وعَـــــلَّمَـــهُ.

    والسلام عليكم

  2. Maryam says:

    Assalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu faDiilatas Shaykh, Hafizakumullaah,

    Jazaakumullaahu khair dear Shaykh, for this beautiful work ‘aHaadiith sahlah.’ I have just finished it and wanted to thank you. Mashaa Allaah it is really excellent.

    After completing the three Madinah books, I didn’t feel ready to try anything that was ‘Arabic only’ at first, but now I’m so glad I did. And I completely understand why it is next in line and ideal for the student to do, straight after completing the Madinah books. For a start, it revises so much from them, not just the grammar principles, but also lots of vocab too. The 20 beautiful aHaadiith you have chosen are delightfully easy to understand and your explanations of them are even easier. And as Umm Mujaahid above has said, there is a narration here for every Muslim, to affect the hearts and characters. And they can be implemented by all, straightaway.

    I did not expect that one would be studying the aHaadiith, in their original Arabic, so quickly, whilst one is still in the Beginners Library. This is thrilling and exciting! And I couldn’t help but notice that you had slipped in many ways to help the student to learn each Hadiith thoroughly. After each Hadiith, the student is directed to re-read the Hadiith several times, dissect and analyse it and also write it many times because of the variety of ways in which you pose the questions, thus ensuring that it sticks in the mind firmly, bi-idhnillaah. One is memorising the aHaadiith without even trying to! (This was especially pleasing to me, because formal memorisation is not my most favourite task in the world!)

    Jazaakumullaahu khair once again dear Shaykh, for such a lovely book. It was truly a pleasure to study, memorise and understand. May Allaah grant you Jannatul Firdaws.

    Wasalaamu alaykum

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